Brian Basilico is an internationally recognized speaker, author, trainer, and adjunct professor. He brings over 35 years of marketing experience to his award-winning internet marketing company, B2b Interactive Marketing, Inc. Brian is a syndicated podcaster and blogger, who has been featured as a guest expert in Entrepreneur and Inc. magazines, as well as various news articles, radio shows, and podcasts.

Innovation Is More Than Just A String (Theory)

I love my morning walks with my dog, Layla. Especially here in North Carolina. In Chicago, you would often contend with wild weather swings. It could be 80˚ one morning and 40˚ the next. It could be cold and raining one morning, sunny the next. Here in Raleigh, each morning for the past month has…

What’s LOVE Got To Do With It? In Marketing – EVERYTHING!

Pay To Play Back when I was a little kid, my father was very nurturing of my desire to play music. He invested in a cheap acoustic guitar (hand me down from my sister) and guitar lessons (from a drill sergeant at West Point Military Academy – I kid you not!) Now keep in mind,…

2 Things that Probably Won’t Work for Your B2b Business

The brain loves to store and process sequences. We tend to rank success by the probability that a sequence will end in a positive or negative result. This is due to our limbic brains and the fight or flight response. A person standing against a wall has a better chance of survival than a person…

Boy… Do I Have A Deal For You? Deals From The Trenches And The Search For Value And Truth!

A lot has happened over the last 20 years. There has been a technological revolution. The most obvious are the smartphone and the internet. But some are less obvious: Human Genome Project Bluetooth Curiosity, the Mars Rover Electric Cars 3D Printing Multi-use Rockets And much more… When we sold our house, we sold everything including…

Seeing The World Through A Fresh Set Of I’s

I have had more than one person question, “Why would you leave an area, where you have 22 or 40 years of connections to start over?” I have asked myself that question a few times, too. The only answer I could give was, “It was time!” I have lived in the Chicago area since I…

You Can’t Always Get What You Want? But If You Try Sometimes…

Do you know that Rolling Stones song? “You Can’t Always Get What You Want?” It goes on to say, “But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.” I think that “Want” is a term that talks about the future. I WANT (desire to obtain) a cool new computer and desk…

“You Can Sell Anything!” (With A Little Help From My Friends)

We’re about to make the 1000-mile journey from our old home to a new apartment. We had to find short-term living arrangements while our new home is being built. Last week we found out that there was a miscommunication about the closing date. It was supposed to be June 27th, (agreed to by the realtors)…

A Goal is Not a Strategy, But a Strategy Needs a Goal

Timing is everything,…right? Trying to run a business while preparing to move from our 22-year run in a 3500 square foot house, into an 800 square foot 3rd-floor apartment, as our 2200 square foot house is being built 1000 miles away… is a challenge. There is selling our old furniture (which won’t fit into our…

When is 10 Greater Than 1000? (Hint It’s All About Relationships)

You never realize how much STUFF you have until you have to move it. We all have closets, drawers, and other hiding places that keep our stuff organized and out of sight, Simply go to any closet or dresser and lay out all the stuff on the floor and you will see what I mean.…

Why “FREE” Is A Four Letter Word That’s Bad For B2b Businesses

Most of us have fallen victim to the allure of FREE stuff. I had a freezer full of big bags and boxes of frozen food from going to Sam’s Club and being a victim of the FREE sample person standing in the aisle. I have gotten a FREE phone and Airpods that raised my monthly…